Hi. I’m Jackson. Some of you have met me and some have seen me in pictures my mom has posted on Facebook. I’m the Canine Executive Officer (CEO) of BACB Unleashed. Yeah, it’s a tough job, but some dog’s gotta do it!
I don’t often do much talking because I tend to be a fearful little rescue puppy. But, being CEO and all, I thought I should give my take on the business and the world in general. First, I want you to get to know me better. Oh I know, I’m very cute in those pictures, but I am more than just a pretty face.
Let me start out by sharing how my day starts. I wake up and I’m happy. I race down the hallway because I get to go outside and I am happy. It doesn’t matter if it’s Monday, Friday or Sunday. It’s all good. My best friends are here, mom is here and soon I’ll get some breakfast. It’s all good. Then my besties and I go on a walk. This is the greatest. We have trails in the woods where we live and I can run and run and run. Mom will give a yell if I’m out of her sight – that’s part of the fun. I try to get as far away as I can so when she notices, I can run even more to get back to her. Bonus!!! I get a BACB Roll Over and Beg Bite treat when I come back. Haha Even more reason to go out of her sight!
I also seem to have a hearing problem. I know, I’m only 3 (we think), but mom thinks I have a hearing problem. Here’s what happens. While we are walking, I am sniffing, sniffing, sniffing. Once I get on the smell of something fun, I go wherever it takes me. If I get too far away, mom calls my name. But I’m on this smell so I don’t hear her. Well, okay, maybe I do, but I’m on this smell! C’mon! Eventually I come back to her (when I want to…heehee) and all is good. Actually, when she says the word ‘come’, then I know she means business, but even that is fun because she gets so excited when I come to her. I have her trained.
So we walk these same paths every day. The cool part is that a tree fell down this winter and it’s a great place to look for things. I can crawl into the smallest spaces. One time a bunny came out the other side. WOW, are they fast or what?! It was gone before I could even get my legs moving. I just stood there and mom laughed. Sometimes, too, there are these little nuggets under the tree. Kind of like chocolate chips. Mom doesn’t like me eating them. I try to sneak one or two anyway. Mom calls them poo, but I don’t know what that is. All I know is they are pretty tasty.
I also like to grab a stick or two. It’s better when my bestie grabs a stick because I will bite him in the butt to make him drop it and I’m so fast that I speed right by him and grab the stick he dropped. Then he has to chase me. He’s not very fast (I’ll talk about my best friends in a future J-Log), but it’s fun anyway. There’s something about having a stick in my mouth that makes me feel like I could conquer the world. Yeah, take that world, I’ve got a stick!
Finally, mom gets tired or cold and we go back in and I finish breakfast in front of the fireplace. Then it’s nap time. That gives mom some downtime, too, until I’m up and raring to go again! I think it’s about time for a nap now. Maybe in the next J-Log, I’ll talk about meeting my mom and best friends for the first time. It didn’t go well, but you’ll have to wait to read about it.
Maryann says
Jackson, I think you could get into trouble pretty easy with your sniffing around! Better listen to you mom to keep those treats coming😉